European Social Fund


The European Social Fund co-finances the granting of subsidies, contributing to the union’s priorities in terms of economic, social and territorial cohesion through the improvement of employment opportunities, the promotion of
education, skills acquisition and lifelong learning, and the implementation of social inclusion policies.
This action will be co-financed through the regional operational program ESF 2014-2020 of Castilla La Mancha, through priority axis 1 “promoting sustainability and quality of employment and favoring labor mobility”.
priority 8.5 “the adaptation of workers, companies and employers”, in a maximum percentage of 80% of the total costs of the same.

Extrusol,takes advantage of decree 45/2018 of July 3, which regulates the direct granting of subsidies to encourage permanent hiring.
(DOCM nº 135, de 11 de julio de 2018) modified by Royal Decree42/2019 of May 14 (DOCM nº 98, de 22 de mayo de 2019.
From the bases of this call, we focus on priority axis 1, “Promote sustainability and quality in employment and favor labor mobility, and on the investment priority the adaptation of workers, companies and entrepreneurs
all this under the protection of the European social fund, through the Castilla La Mancha community council, and specifically managed by its Ministry of Economy, Business and Employment